What should I expect during the evaluation process?
The testing process begins with an intake appointment with the neuropsychologist and parents/caregivers. During the intake, we will discuss concerns and goals of the evaluation. Testing generally takes place over one to two testing days, depending on the patient’s age and the presenting concerns. During the testing session(s), the patients will complete an individualized neuropsychological testing battery based on presenting concern. Testing can include a range of memory, learning, and problem-solving activities. A feedback session is conducted approximately two weeks following the testing session. During the feedback session, parents/caregivers will meet with the neuropsychologist to discuss evaluation findings and recommendations. A report is generated within a week after the feedback.
How much does neuropsychological testing cost, and what insurance do you accept?
We are in network with BCBS PPO, Aetna, and United Health Care. Cost is dependent on what your insurance plan/coverage entails. We also conduct out of network or self-pay evaluations and can provide receipts to submit to insurance companies. Once the evaluation is scheduled, we will conduct a verification of benefits to provide you with a cost estimate. We also encourage patients to call their insurance to determine their benefit coverage.

While we are in network with some insurances, they do not cover the entirety of our evaluations. As such, there are additional charges associated with the evaluation for non-medically covered services.
Is a comprehensive evaluation always required?
Generally, we recommend a full evaluation. There are many reasons why individuals may struggle in a certain area, so a comprehensive evaluation is necessary to provide appropriate diagnostic clarity and generate targeted recommendations.
Should my child take their prescribed medication the day of the appointment?
In general, we do recommend that patients take their prescribed medication on the day of the evaluation. In instances of which an diagnosis is being questioned, the neuropsychologist may suggest completing the evaluation unmedicated. This will be discussed with the doctor at the intake appointment.
Who will be testing my child?
Consistent with standard practice guidelines, our doctors use psychometricians with specific training in neuropsychological test administration. However, they do each meet with your child and test for a portion of the evaluation. The use of psychometricians helps maintain the objectivity of data collection, reduces the potential for bias, and maintains reliability and validity of test administration.
What is the parents' role during testing?
For older children, parents are generally not required to stay. We do ask that you drop them off in the morning to get them situated and fill out necessary paperwork, then pick them up for lunch, and plan to pick them up at the end of the day. However, every family’s needs are different and this can be discussed further during your intake appointment with the neuropsychologist. Parents are not in the room during testing unless otherwise discussed with the provider.
We do not prescribe medication or provide therapy, but we have a strong local referral network and can help connect you with the appropriate providers.
What do I tell my child when I bring them to the evaluation?
We understand children like to ask many questions and may be curious about the evaluation process. You can compare the testing appointment to a day at school. You can tell your child that will be engaging in different types of activities (ex. brain teasers, logic puzzles, memory games) to see how they think and learn. This information can be used to help parents and teachers.
Is there a place to work when my child is seeing the doctor? 
Yes, parents are more then welcome to stay and work. We have free Wifi and a separate waiting area with tables.
How can I pay my bill, check appointments, or view documents?  
You can find our client portal here.
If you are interested in making an appointment, please fill out the adjacent form or contact our office at (847) 920-7187. Someone will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
Mon - Fri: 8:30am to 5:00pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
2610 Lake Cook Road, Suite 133 Riverwoods, IL 60015

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